Flood Zoning Information
As a public service, the Town of Gulf Stream provides the following information upon request:
- Whether a property is in or out of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) as shown on the current Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) of the Town.
- Additional flood insurance data, such as the FIRM Zone and the base flood elevation or depth, if shown on the FIRM of the Town.
- The Town also has elevation certificates for many of the properties in Town.
- The Town participates in the Community Rating system, a part of the National Flood Insurance Program, and some residents qualify for a 15% discount on their flood insurance rates. Please talk to your insurance agent.
- Information concerning Flood Warnings/Preparation and Insurance can be found by following this link: Gulf Stream Guide.
- Palm Beach County’s Hurricane Preparedness Guide: http://www.pbcgov.com/dem/hurricane/pdf/hurricane_guide.pdf
Call (561) 276-5116 or visit Town Hall during regular business hours, 9:00am to 4:00pm, to obtain further information.